So in England ??????? we're apparently contemplating private covid vacs requirements for all sorts of crap now. I know the damned virus & vacs is a fucking con game trying to play eugenics with us all, and my wife (who up yo now wad in the no vacs camp) is talking about getting it in a few months.
Every time we talk about getting it or not, we start getting into an argument about it, and normally we never start rowing over shit like this. Shes got no problem believe ving the election was rugged, that there are powerful torturing pedos around the globe (not sold on chrome yet). However this, im struggling to break through on.
She's asking for data on why she should not get the vaccine, as the holy NHS is going full court press on saying "its safe, no way you'll get killed by the vaccine, but you'll never be able to live without it". I have
I need the following:
- Doctors saying the vaccine is not tested (astra zenca only, we dont get the Pfizer one here to my knowledge). Video is probably good on this.
- Evidence the astra zenca vacs has killed people / adverse reaction rate is higher than widely reported.
- Evidence the virus is a nothing burger (not videos, articles with studies would be ideal as she should be capable of these).
- Evidence this is a con for pharma to fleece us by force.
Or someone show me the Astra vac isn't a threat. I know someone tried to blow up some facilities in india that make it, but dunno what side that action was for.
Here you are:
Experimental Vaccine info. from Oz. (I copied this from an another post here.)
In Australia, the governing body which approves medicine and vaccines is Therapeutic Goods Association. Two vaccines are currently conditionally approved there: the AstraZenica and Pfizer ones. The product information for each (these are not consumer PI but applicant PI) tell some interesting tales...
Product Information for Comirnaty (Pfizer) experimental vaccine:
Section 4.6 is about pregnancy specifically, mentions determination for use in humans is based upon assessment of tests ran on lab rats. It is unknown if anything is excreted in human milk.
Public Assessment Report for Comirnaty (Pfizer) experimental vaccine:
Page 14 - "Antibodies and T cells in monkeys declined quickly over 5 weeks after the second dose of BNT162b2 (V9),18 raising concerns over long term immunity, which will be assessed by clinical studies according to the sponsor."
Page 19 - Is about Phase II / III trials which on the previous pages is mentioned as being the trial to assess its viability and safety on the larger population. Here are the list of excluded parties from the trials:
Page 28 - Although one of the least likely symptoms from receiving the vaccine, instances of Bell's Palsy have been reported.
Page 29 - "Pregnant women: at the time of the data cut-off (14 November 2020), a total of 23 participants had reported pregnancies in the safety database, including 9 participants who withdrew from the vaccination period of the study due to pregnancies. These participants continue to be followed for pregnancy outcomes. The data to support safety in pregnancy are inadequate at this stage." 23 - 9 = 14. Fourteen women trialed.
Page 34 - Risk management plan. Basically will tell you all the test data they haven't or can't provide at this stage.
Product Information for AstraZenica experimental vaccine:
Page 1 - "The vaccine is manufactured using material originally sourced from a human embryo (Human Embryonic Kidney cells: HEK293)" - aborted foetus cells?
Page 4 - They have no idea what it does long term to male and female fertility. Plus this...
"There are a limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca in pregnant women, or women who became pregnant after receiving the vaccine. The data are insufficient to inform on vaccine associated risk. Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. As a precautionary measure, vaccination with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is not recommended during pregnancy. Use of COVID-19 VaccineAstraZeneca in pregnant women should be based on an assessment of whether the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks."
There's a ton more within and here is the final document. Public Assessment for AstraZenica experimental vaccine:
Many thanks, my presumably antipodean fren.