To all the idiots saying Trump will win in 2024... Hey jackoffs, we won’t have a f**king country left by then. What makes you think Dems won’t simply just steal it again? Especially after 4 years in control of all 3 branches? Do any of the mainstream moron talking-heads supposedly on our side (Fox, Brietbart, Bannon, Newsmax) understand this? Or are they in on it too?
I’m so sick and tired of people getting excited for the possibility of a MAGA return FOUR whole years from now. We’ll all be chipped, in camps and sterilized if the 2020 election fraud is not exposed.
You people talking about 2024 are literally being led off a cliff.
It’s not just posts, but the very people who are supposed to be on our side that are pushing for this.
In no way am I defending them, but they (conservative media) have been threatened with cancelation if they even just utter the phrase "election fraud". They surely know it was a fraudulent election, but the minute they state so they are finished. So the truth speakers have all been isolated to "alternative" or "free speech" platforms, where their only audience is us. The media is not "the way". In other words, the entire media is full of shit so whenever anyone here complains about them I just shake my head. None of us should take any of them seriously. They are a distraction.