I've been reading here since Jan 6. I've heard of the Q posts before, but never REALLY looked into it before then. I'm registered independent. I vote any parties, but have typically leaned left, mainly due to support for gay people and poor people. BUT in the last 5-6 years, I've discovered NO PARTY DOES THAT. I've always been interested in "conspiracies" and I KNOW for a fact that government lies to its people through my own experiences.I'm going to be honest. I don't believe in "lizard people". I have laughed at some of the theories here. Not to insult anyone, but because they are ...well, shocking, to say the least. Yet, I often find many posts and comments here that speak to my soul. Are there people with basically all the money that want to keep it that way? Yes, I have no doubt. Has the American government covered up/instigated/hidden things from us? Yes, no doubt. So,I want to talk to you guys, and there's a million questions that I have. But I assume you will call me a "shill" and think I am not sincere. Can I ask questions and you take me serious? I will be honest with you. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but I'm not a Biden supporter, neither. I am very skeptical of EVERYTHING. I believe things that have proof behind them, in some way. I don't believe something just because someone says it, from any side. My people say "Qanon" is anything from silly to evil.(Yes, I know there's no actual "Qanon). But, I want to find out for myself. Can I do that? Can I talk to you guys? As a "non right wing" person? I try to be respectful, and open minded. I think most of the people that believe Q are not understood. I definitely don't understand, but I would like to.
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David Ike has spoken of lizard people. In his talk he mentioned that lizard people are an interplanetary species who came here and teraformed the planet before the dinasaures. They created dinasaures for food and entertainment. There was a war with an other interplanetary species and the mammals won. There was a peace treaty in that the reptilians went underground and the mammals made geneticly manipulated hybrids for slave labor that turns out to be humanity. I don't know what is true or false. I have no direct information and I consider everything I read on this super computer I keep in my pocket a fairy tail untill undeniable proof is thoroughly researched.
When I hear that stuff, it starts to sound a lot like Scientology
Just because something is outside the overton window; doesn't mean it is false.