It is BIGLY significant that George News be legit. By all accounts it appears they are. They're connected to the publisher of Triggered by Don Jr and their pictures are their own. This is so critical! Why? Well, go back through their Telegram account and see what they've said! It's not over! If George News is legit and I believe they are, we are on the precipice of awesomeness!!!
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They are for sure legit. I get so excited when something is posted on TG, and for YT chats. Kind of reassuring. Did anyone see what the reason for watching last yeara SOTU? I watched and listened, but I didn't see anything stand out really.
I wish they weren't in the middle of the night. I can't seem to stay awake for them!
I am usually half asleep on. ? I assume that is when there is down time for them. I pay the price in the morning, when I get hyped before bed and can't sleep. I want to go back to regular life so bad!