(It's even worse now, since electronic systems can potentially match up ballots with facial-recognition to obviate the concept of "secret balloting" on top of the DS already having a good idea who everybody votes for in a social-media-saturated landscape.)
Indeed. He was so far ahead of the curve for so long. He also talked about the dangers of PC culture 20+ years ago. "A manhole cover will become a personhole cover." Very prophetic.
He also understood the insidious evil of voting.
(It's even worse now, since electronic systems can potentially match up ballots with facial-recognition to obviate the concept of "secret balloting" on top of the DS already having a good idea who everybody votes for in a social-media-saturated landscape.)
Indeed. He was so far ahead of the curve for so long. He also talked about the dangers of PC culture 20+ years ago. "A manhole cover will become a personhole cover." Very prophetic.