So lately I haven’t been feeling as “hopeful” as I normally am about everything that’s going on. We’ve been seeing so many things go wrong and not much action... when it comes to the election even... we’ve all seen enough where were kind of all left wondering “how they got away with it”.... congressmen and women doing things in plain sight that is punishable but, nothing... We have all of this intelligence and you mean to tell me they don’t have enough to punish these people? It seems to me that the joke is on us... HAVE ANY OF YOU BEEN THROUGH THIS “bump” IN THE ROAD?
I feel like I’ve lost all hope in thinking something is going to happen.
***I know I’m going to get sht for this post but I really need to know if any of you have been through this. Thanks in advance?
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Yes exactly!!! Why aren’t they being held accountable to anything... it does make me think that Trump is with them and put in that position as a security measure to make sure we the people don’t fight back...
And to this point is why I want to believe that there really is a plan in motion and Trump doesnt want any Patriots being stupid at this juncture. It can be frustrating.
I want to believe that... more then anything I want that.