I don't remember the dream. I just woke up knowing that the fence in DC is ment for us... When they try to make their gun grab moves, they think the fence and NG will protect them. They won't. When they try to take the guns it will be the tipping point for America. I THINK this is the precipice the Q drops were referring to. This action by the DS will cause the largest standing army the world has ever seen to be drawn to DC and other state capitals. When we inevitably confront the military (and we will) do NOT take up arms against our soldiers. Instead, confront them in love and remind them of the oath they have sworn. Demand that those woh have shredded the constitution they swore to defend be held to account to the people.
I sincerely hope it doesn't come to this. My hope is that the Military does the right thing and steps in before it reaches this point.
You are correct, I believe also that Trump and patriots are in control, though I think DS ntend to attempt to use the fence for their own purpose. Moves&counter moves...