It's an early form of the social credit system, testing the waters and getting people use to giving up personal info on themselves. Next your phone with have to have a reliable GPS signal and your phone will begin to ask you questions like:
Did neighbor X wear a mask today outside?
Are neighbors Z and S social distancing?
Did you wear a mask outside today? (System knows already because neighbor X told on you already that you didn't)
Do you agree with the SAPP?(social accountability application) you better say yes. Edit. This is all for where the CCTV cant see you.
It's an early form of the social credit system, testing the waters and getting people use to giving up personal info on themselves. Next your phone with have to have a reliable GPS signal and your phone will begin to ask you questions like: Did neighbor X wear a mask today outside? Are neighbors Z and S social distancing? Did you wear a mask outside today? (System knows already because neighbor X told on you already that you didn't) Do you agree with the SAPP?(social accountability application) you better say yes. Edit. This is all for where the CCTV cant see you.
I know it’s so extreme I want no part of it