Well..... if that means he won in 2016, 2020 (counting correctly but not sitting in the DC White House) and the next 2024 election then count me out. WE ALL KNEW there was major election fraud coming and if the President couldn’t have “switched the voting machine COUNTS by adding another 10mm illegal votes to his “tally” to secure the win then WTH. They were able to watch the fraud occur in REAL TIME so that little see-saw pendulum swings 2 ways.
Maybe in 3 freaking years I will feel differently BUT I DONT THINK there ever will be a fair election again.
NOW IF Lin WOOD MEANT: Trump will be the 19th President of the new Corporation for 2 more terms....I am 100% in
He hints that the 3rd election will be sooner than that. What does that mean? How can an election be sooner than 2024? I am thinking Myanmar. I am thinking a new election held by the Military
Well..... if that means he won in 2016, 2020 (counting correctly but not sitting in the DC White House) and the next 2024 election then count me out. WE ALL KNEW there was major election fraud coming and if the President couldn’t have “switched the voting machine COUNTS by adding another 10mm illegal votes to his “tally” to secure the win then WTH. They were able to watch the fraud occur in REAL TIME so that little see-saw pendulum swings 2 ways.
Maybe in 3 freaking years I will feel differently BUT I DONT THINK there ever will be a fair election again.
NOW IF Lin WOOD MEANT: Trump will be the 19th President of the new Corporation for 2 more terms....I am 100% in
He hints that the 3rd election will be sooner than that. What does that mean? How can an election be sooner than 2024? I am thinking Myanmar. I am thinking a new election held by the Military
I understand now that you are being sarcastic. I share your ire.
What the fuck, dude? Fuckin' vote, bruh? Using a system we just saw was totally corrupted to the core...my god, we truly are in clown world.
I hope something else is going on behind the scenes because, at face value, this shits retarded.