I totally understand this post. I feel the same way. I have trouble with details during a fast moving conversation. Our brains all work very differently. That is why we need each other. I know, that I know these details, but when I’m on the phone with someone and the information is not right in front of me, i may forget part of the evidence that assured me of the truth. I usually remember the additional details after the conversation has moved on. I wish I had a faster CPU within me. There is so much to learn and for those that have only been going down the rabbit-hole since the election fraud, it’s a lot to learn. Thank you to all who posted here. This is a keeper for reference during those important conversations. Pray, keep learning and keep sharing, you are planting seeds and our Creator will water them.
I totally understand this post. I feel the same way. I have trouble with details during a fast moving conversation. Our brains all work very differently. That is why we need each other. I know, that I know these details, but when I’m on the phone with someone and the information is not right in front of me, i may forget part of the evidence that assured me of the truth. I usually remember the additional details after the conversation has moved on. I wish I had a faster CPU within me. There is so much to learn and for those that have only been going down the rabbit-hole since the election fraud, it’s a lot to learn. Thank you to all who posted here. This is a keeper for reference during those important conversations. Pray, keep learning and keep sharing, you are planting seeds and our Creator will water them.