1995 US Population was 266 million. People were allowed to leave their homes and a large chunk of the potential audience likely was not at home for any number of reasons. 2021 US Population is 331 million, and (nearly) everyone was at home when the production aired. They had 65 million more people and a near 100% “captive” audience (pun intended) and still can’t get to 1995 levels. But we are supposed to believe that the majority of Americans agree with the “celebrities.” Riiiigghhtttt.
1995 US Population was 266 million. People were allowed to leave their homes and a large chunk of the potential audience likely was not at home for any number of reasons. 2021 US Population is 331 million, and (nearly) everyone was at home when the production aired. They had 65 million more people and a near 100% “captive” audience (pun intended) and still can’t get to 1995 levels. But we are supposed to believe that the majority of Americans agree with the “celebrities.” Riiiigghhtttt.