posted ago by thephantom1979 ago by thephantom1979 +30 / -0

I have many friends of various backgrounds. The easiest way to shut down a social justice warrior.

It's to tell them they are over complicating a very simple solution.

IF this person really cares about solving "Racial/Gender" issues.

Ask them two simple questions.

  1. Do you agree with me that race/gender issues are "SOCIAL ISSUES"?
  2. Do you agree with me that in order to solve a social issue. Two or more people must actually develop a real social bond?

They most likely will say yes to these common sense questions.

Follow up to and say look.

IF you really care about fixing race issues. Then why don't you go have pizza or watch a movie with someon of the ethnic group/gender you want to solve problems with.

Would that not build a real "SOCIAL BOND"???

Then end.

See. "Diversity Training" is not the way to go. You cannot solve a "human bonding" issue using an academic solution.

Just go out with each other and do something fun. Don't even talk about politics.

Just build a bond.

I was the first black men to join an all white fraternity in college. Sure.. we had political discussions from time to time.


We did so many SOCIAL things together. We developed REAL BONDS with each other.

A lot of the guys were like real brothers to me.

A lot of guys openly felt comfortable to talk to me about their prejudices over time. I offered realistic and honest feedback.

This only strengthen our relationship.