...so that Biden and Kamala would enter expecting to have the criminal infrastructure they left, but instead were walking into their own death trap?
Think about this... The bad guys committed a gigantic treasonous act in front of the entire world. They only have one option now: sit in their dirty diapers and drown in the consequences. They're trapped. They've very publicly "won" their little election, and now they're embarrassing themselves while literally everyone else on the earth learns that they've committed legitimate treason.
It's glorious, if true. What do you think?
EDIT: Adding a separate thought. The only way this plan works is if the Military tries the cases and the Supreme Court does not. Obviously the Supreme Court is a part of the problem.
I've thought about this for awhile, and I've come to the conclusion that they did not actually expect Trump to let them "win".
My opinion here:
I think they were originally expecting him to use the military to force them to stop counting he fake ballots. They were expecting him to get around the machines in the same way that he did in 2016, but this time they were prepared with an endless stream of "mail in ballots" to "find", allowing them to make up the difference. They would keep counting until Trump was forced to use the military to stop them. At that point they would scream that Blumpf is rigging the election and he's a horrible dictator. Bidan would refuse to concede (as HRC said he would), the media would do its thing and you'd have a full blown color revolution damn near overnight. Not only that, you'd have a very real possibility of a split in the military and open civil war. That would be game over right there.
I also suspect that they were expecting to be arrested before the inauguration, or at the event itself (perhaps thanks to Q lol). Consider Pelosi's mad dash to use 25A or her attempts to get the codes away from Trump. Consider also Bidan's skipping of both inauguration rehearsals, and his weird comment about this being the last time he would see Delaware (or something to that effect, I do not remember the quote exactly)
Either one of these scenarios could have been played in their favor, as they could cast themselves as the victims. Instead Trump moved us into devolution, or something of that nature, to quietly shift any real control away from DC (the strike in Syria proved to me that Trump is still in control, at least of the military), and left them to make asses of themselves for all the world to see, and now with no Orange Man to deflect on.
The most hilarious part is, I think is that they know Trump can prove that they rigged it at any time (consider Nancy's mad scramble to remove Trump after the 6th when she should have been on CNN gloating that they finally beat the orange man) but in the meantime they have to keep up the facade. They can end it at any time, all they have to do is confess. But their masters won't allow that. So they are stuck here, forced to commit to the lie until Trump decides to put them out of their misery. And when he does, no one will be able to call him a dictator, he will be vindicated on every front, and a vast majority of Americans, including many leftists I suspect, will be cheering his return.
By losing the battle, he will ultimately win the war.
I lot of what you said made sense to me. I imagine an animal seeing bait in the middle of the forest. First they circle the perimeter. Then get a bit closer. Than touch it and retreat. Then grab it and wait for the trap to fall on their head. Then, just as they start walking away, convince they had won, that's when the trap goes off