Well? When do we get to that? Was there ever a plan for the military to uphold the Constitution? What happened to changes to the Constitution and Bill of Rights requiring ratification by the States? So, Biden is destroying all of it with EO's? Where the actual f$ck is the military?
America is the laughing stock of the world. EVERYONE knows BIDEN and the Democrats stole the election. Now they see our great military, who has defended freedom worldwide, sitting around and twiddling their thumbs waiting for the Conservative genocide (while the leftists are busy segregating and villifying everyone) to get started.
EO's have their place but definitely NOT when they are attacking our basic freedoms.
The lies and GASLIGHTING have become surreal, and absolutely ridiculous! NOTHING has ever been so obvious! I just can't imagine the military leadership buying into this crap. U.less they are way the hell dumber than I thought possible.
I still haven't seen anything in our founding documents making any of this behavior, rhetoric, or threats legal.
I will NOT go quietly into the night! I WILL defend my God given rights! No man has authority over my sovereignty!
Chin up! You need to be watching the individual states right now. What's going on there? What laws are they putting into place re: election fraud and standing up against the EOs? What did Ron DeSantis and FL legislature do yesterday regarding Chinese spies in that state? What entities did he point to specifically?
I'm the first to admit that election fraud will not cease with simply enacting laws. There were laws to protect our elections in place. The Congress and the Courts all the way to the top helped to undermine the Constitution and steal our election from us. However, what does make sense is that these states are fortifying their laws as the military would fortify their position in battle. They're readying for the battle. When it comes and when we have our country back, our laws are there, and they will be upheld. Try as I might, I can't see how our government will not be raided and every enemy who did not uphold the Constitution, every enemy that went into battle with falsehoods and lies for impeachment and for setting up the true Americans outside the Capitol, every pedophile and any individual who committed any form of treason will be taken down. Basically, the entire country, our government, and our Constitution will stand stronger after this.
Yep, this is what is happening.