Anyone else embarrassed he's a White Male?????
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Lol those idiots want a civil war so bad, hopefully my fellow white pedes don’t fall for such obvious race baiting. They been doing this shit since the Summer riots.
You really think Brennan believes this horse shit he said? Of course not. Nobody is “embarrassed” to be a certain race, I’m not embarrassed to be black even though statistically maybe I should be. Nobody in actual real life is embarrassed to be white.
They’re gaslighting the shit out of everyone with this anti-white garbage when in reality nobody says such goofyness and if they do they’re not right in the head but Brennan knows exactly what he’s doing, I blame Obama for starting this bullshit.
Sadly enough there are people not right in the head that get manipulated and guilt tripped into being ashamed of their "history". They seem to forget a line in the bible and im paraphrasing here, but children should not hold guilt by there fathers, something like that..