Pretty sure the MSM is just focusing on the Sexual Harassment stuff so everyone forgets about the thousands of New York's elderly that died because of that piece of sh*t forcing Covid patients back into the nursing homes. It is a lot easier to resign over sexual harassment than to be charged with negligent homicide
Pretty sure the MSM is just focusing on the Sexual Harassment stuff so everyone forgets about the thousands of New York's elderly that died because of that piece of sh*t forcing Covid patients back into the nursing homes. It is a lot easier to resign over sexual harassment than to be charged with negligent homicide
Exactly. I have been calling it a controlled demolition.
I see it the same way... they are just covering things up. But if this makes some normies click, I will capitalize on it.
Wow, these fake news outlets are truly evil. I hope President Trump wipes the floor with these bastards. ??
I hope for that as well, even though I live in Switzerland, what happens in the US will wake up so many here
Don't forget a creep with pierced nipples!
Is being an a-hole and killing people on purpose wrong? I didn't know it was wrong. I'm apologize that you thought it was wrong. -- Gov. Cuomo
This laugh track makes me want to gouge my ears out every time I hear it
Still good video tho
Kel, thanks
All his victims are white. Is he racist?
Edit: The me too victims not the nursing home ones.
Worst, he is a sad if racist bc the people he targeted were among.the most vulnerable ones.
See edit
Damn the autocorrector fucked my spelling... not "sad if racist", I meant "sadistic racist"