There are too many Karens & Soy Boys who will REEEEEE the single thought of not giving the Vatican & Bank of England their TRIBUTE in the form of income taxes. The Great Awakening needs MORE Momentum first :)
BTW, I'm not just talking out of my ass on the Whore of All the Earth (aka, The Vatican) and the Bank of England! No. Here is the former Senior Council for the World Bank of 20 years, Karen Hudes (the good kind of Karen) on WHERE your Income Taxes ACTUALLY GO.....YOU'LL BE PISSED TO NO END IF YOU WATCH ALL THREE VIDEOS!!
It starts at 8:35, but I STRONGLY suggest watching all three Parts:
There are too many Karens & Soy Boys who will REEEEEE the single thought of not giving the Vatican & Bank of England their TRIBUTE in the form of income taxes. The Great Awakening needs MORE Momentum first :)
BTW, I'm not just talking out of my ass on the Whore of All the Earth (aka, The Vatican) and the Bank of England! No. Here is the former Senior Council for the World Bank of 20 years, Karen Hudes (the good kind of Karen) on WHERE your Income Taxes ACTUALLY GO.....YOU'LL BE PISSED TO NO END IF YOU WATCH ALL THREE VIDEOS!!
It starts at 8:35, but I STRONGLY suggest watching all three Parts: