This woman is a whistleblower who as Senior Council for The World Bank! She's not some "conspiracy theorist", she is a Conspiracy Whistleblower!
In Part 3 she discusses Obama nuking Charleston, SC, but two army generals stopped it, AND WERE FIRED BY OBAMA!!!---this was October 2013. I did a USGS Earthquake search at that time....AND THERE IS EVIDENCE OF A 4.4 EARTHQUAKE IN AN AREA IN THE OCEAN SOUTHEAST OF CHARLESTON WHERE ZERO E.Q. ACTIVITY HAS EVERY HAPPENED!!!!....TO THE DATE!!!!....
Where your Income Taxes ACTUALLY GO:
This woman is a whistleblower who as Senior Council for The World Bank! She's not some "conspiracy theorist", she is a Conspiracy Whistleblower!
In Part 3 she discusses Obama nuking Charleston, SC, but two army generals stopped it, AND WERE FIRED BY OBAMA!!!---this was October 2013. I did a USGS Earthquake search at that time....AND THERE IS EVIDENCE OF A 4.4 EARTHQUAKE IN AN AREA IN THE OCEAN SOUTHEAST OF CHARLESTON WHERE ZERO E.Q. ACTIVITY HAS EVERY HAPPENED!!!!....TO THE DATE!!!!....
This is freakin' crazy! Never heard the stuff about the taxes before.