96 Was perusing the great awakwning at my fav. Mexican restaurant today. This weird guy kept staring at me... posted 4 years ago by Gesirisi 4 years ago by Gesirisi +97 / -1 Shit post 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
LOL the troll level is strong with this subject
Laughing my ass off. Thought I was seeing double after just reading the first post.
Next time take a picture over his shoulder, post it so he sees it in New.
Lol that’s a classic troll
These two guys at the mexican restaurant.......f'n hilarious. how come you didnt sit together. fuckin kekville laughed out loud for the first time in a while. thanx
He seemed to have great honor, and a great big duty to uphold (this occurred in the bathroom)
especially after eating mexican........battleshits lol