posted ago by SongDog ago by SongDog +53 / -0

Like ZOLUCKY. They are big on line with adverts next to many many applications. Some merch is advertised as cotton/spandex but when it gets to the buyer, it is incredibly sleazy 100% polyester with very questionable fiber content and possibly very harmful fiber dye applications. I am not kidding here.

There are industry dyes and fiber applications which are VERY harmful in even small doses. And if it ain't on your skin - then blammo - right into the drinking water aquifer or ocean.

ZOLUCKY merch is straight from China and I hate to say it guys, but NEVER, NEVER, EVER pop air-filled pillow packing plastic. Get that shit intact into the trash immediately and definitely DON'T let kids play with it. Stop buying from China if at all possible, especially on-line. Their crap is full of environmental poisons because...

THEY HAVE NO Environmental CONSCIOUSNESS or health restrictions in manufacturing. This is what EVIL does. Degrades, abuses, gobbles-up, destroys, kills, Poisons are delivered in many ways and the worst are those FABRICS that assault your nostrils with pure chemical stench. Smelly harmful chemical particulates go right through the blood - brain barrier and the fucking CCP knows this.

Welcome to a slow but well-hidden inexorable way to make people sick.