But aliens are relevant because there's a bunch of very nasty ETs at the top of the food chain, controlling those who control the "elites". This affects not only our planet but the solar system and probably a significant portion of the galaxy. That's why it's taking longer than people think it ought to. That's why the Space Force had to be "created" officially. Did you not wonder why we need a Space Force?
Alien first contact? Or contact with the enemy in combat.
Contact with the enemy.
But aliens are relevant because there's a bunch of very nasty ETs at the top of the food chain, controlling those who control the "elites". This affects not only our planet but the solar system and probably a significant portion of the galaxy. That's why it's taking longer than people think it ought to. That's why the Space Force had to be "created" officially. Did you not wonder why we need a Space Force?
Ok, but has very little to do with the point I was making.