I'm going off of memory here, but awhile back, activists got a European company that makes one of the LI chemicals to refuse to sell it to the US for humanitarian reasons by trying to force LIs to stop.
In either OK or TX, they decided to try a different chemical to keep LIs going because it's more humane than other methods, something activists DGAF about. When they executed some guy, it didn't work right and he died slowly and painfully, I believe. If they want to play games, we can just shoot people. It's still pretty humane compared to other methods so, too bad.
Ammo's easier to get than that deadly cocktail? Shit.
Top comment for sure lol
“Make sure you sanitize the bullets before you punch them into the criminals spleen”
Acute lead poisoning
don we have tall buidings? isnt gravity pretty much free? ropes are fine too.
A lead cocktail is too good for these SOBs. Lock them in a roach and rat infested cell and let them starve to death. Burn the remains.
Anyone who abuses a another human for any reason, especially a child, is the lowest scum of the earth.
The pajama boys in the twitter feed are the best part. Murderers, pedo's & rapists getting executed ohhh nooo /s
Buy rope, ammo’s getting expensive?
Thats so metal heck yeah
? also why is there a shortage on lethal injections?!
I'm going off of memory here, but awhile back, activists got a European company that makes one of the LI chemicals to refuse to sell it to the US for humanitarian reasons by trying to force LIs to stop.
In either OK or TX, they decided to try a different chemical to keep LIs going because it's more humane than other methods, something activists DGAF about. When they executed some guy, it didn't work right and he died slowly and painfully, I believe. If they want to play games, we can just shoot people. It's still pretty humane compared to other methods so, too bad.
I love it ? fuck the UK (not the patriots who live there)
taking out the cabal?
habbenings everywhere!
I love the lefties going nuts!