posted ago by MikelovesTrump ago by MikelovesTrump +455 / -0

So, I went to visit my parents after almost a year of them refusing physical visits. They now feel somewhat safe. My dad decides to start trashing Trump. He was spitting out every lie that we've seen shared by CNN/MSNBC/ fake news. He claimed that there was no voter fraud, no antifa at the capital and that the Proud Boys are the ones who burned down cities last year and that BLM was trying to protect their communities. He then went on a rant that I shouldn't have a right to say anything because I didn't vote when I was 24 years old. He made the ridiculous statement that we came SO close to losing our Democracy. My son and I sadly got up and quietly walked out from the visit. My parents are lost. They spent the last 4 years being programmed and there is no hope. They have been lied to so much that no amount of "proof" will change their minds.