Why would you title this post the way you did? This 'study' is saying the opposite...that covid caused an increase in traditional, conservative social norms.
Actually, I can see that. All these liberated women wanting someone stronger to make them feel safe. All these liberated men reacting to someone making them feel more manly. All because of fear.
What I find to be ironic is that this says 'Previous research has found that disgust sensitivity and fear of contamination are both linked to social conservativism', when it's the progressives who are screaming "EWWW, DON'T BREATH ON ME, DONT TOUCH ME, DONT STAND NEAR ME, WEAR YOUR MASK, STAY AT HOME...."
You're right, I realized after I posted it I should have used the word "coincides with" instead of "caused by", but when I went to edit the title, I found I couldn't.
Why would you title this post the way you did? This 'study' is saying the opposite...that covid caused an increase in traditional, conservative social norms.
Actually, I can see that. All these liberated women wanting someone stronger to make them feel safe. All these liberated men reacting to someone making them feel more manly. All because of fear.
What I find to be ironic is that this says 'Previous research has found that disgust sensitivity and fear of contamination are both linked to social conservativism', when it's the progressives who are screaming "EWWW, DON'T BREATH ON ME, DONT TOUCH ME, DONT STAND NEAR ME, WEAR YOUR MASK, STAY AT HOME...."
Seems it may have backfired on them.
You're right, I realized after I posted it I should have used the word "coincides with" instead of "caused by", but when I went to edit the title, I found I couldn't.
i dont think the (((author))) can even put a decent thought together. the whole article is garbage.