Obviously this is if the happenings haven’t already begun but I think we will have the perfect opportunity to drop some major red pills. So a few weeks into the pandemic last year(roughly beginning of April) I started to really question a lot of the things I was seeing. I’ll admit initially I was extremely concerned bc I had a newborn at home and everything was happening so quickly that there was a lot of uncertainty with the severity of the virus. But as I watched the MSM begin to correlate their attacks and push the narrative, I quickly realized what was happening so I got the idea to start sharing every piece of information about the virus that I came across on Facebook, whether I believed the information to be true or not. My reasoning for doing so was bc I wanted to see in a years time what would pop up in my Facebook memories and see if it came to fruition or if it was just a misguided conspiracy. I know a lot of the things that I was somewhat skeptical of ended up being the truth but obviously didn’t come out until much later down the road. I’m not sure how many others did the same thing but it would be the perfect opportunity to drop some redpill bombs. For example one of the things I remember sharing was the fact that they were running a much higher cycle rate on the Covid tests than they should have been. Shortly after Biden was inaugurated, the CDC came out and said basically the same thing. If we can SHOW normies that this information was proven well before it went mainstream, at the very least I think a lot more people would start to question the narrative. And I know that most of us are not Facebook fans. I deleted mine shortly after the Jan 6th capitol incident. But Q also gave us marching orders for this very scenario. This is information warfare and it is our job as the real news to help awaken the masses
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