Lin Wood Drops a Bombshell 191-Page Whistleblower transcript about the Deep State: Rosenstein, VP Mike Pence, Roberts and Children, Judge Assassination Plots, Murder of Scalia with DMSO, the Robbery and Murder of Seth Rich, the "Dirty Trick Squad", Pedo Judge Sullivan, Pedo Joe Biden and worse.
? These people are sick! ?
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Watch the water?
lin - A pool or collection of water, particularly one above or below a waterfall. n.A waterfall.
QPost #4 inte'llin'gence. No apology for typo. Lin Wood could be the daft crackpot discredited disbarred nutcase that unravels all of this whilst the MSM laugh at him. Let's see who hath the last laugh.
Wow, his Twitter was llinwood with two L’s. Mind blown ? and he was with trump in the White House a year ago. I doubt trump would entertaining meeting a looney.
Yes, he goes by L. Lin Wood. So his first name starts with L too