This might not be what you all want to hear but I don't think the big habbening is a soon as we think it will be. Since the fake inauguration on 1/20 things have been moving much more slowly than I thought they would. We know things are going to get better so we expect them at any moment. None of us know the timing. There is a tremendous amount of info in the drops and much of what is discussed has not happened yet.
I believe 100% that something is coming but I think it could take many more months of things to roll out. I'm not dooming here and believe that it's coming and I also believe God will intervene.
Believe me, I want things to happen soon but do not be discouraged if they do not happen in the new few weeks or even months. Believe in God and stay strong in the faith.
My personal MO.
Believe that it won't happen until 2024, fight like it's happening tomorrow. Getting hooked up on dates is a mistake we've all made, myself included. It takes the wind out of you, for little reward. Let it play out. We were told to enjoy the show.
It's coming. Help others prepare. But we can discourage ourselves by getting disappointed with dates.
That's my point.
can or can't? I think it is unnecessary to spread doubt among the ranks, just for the sake of "calling" something. No it doesn't hurt to assume things, but don't tie your emotions to those assumptions.
I'm not sure why you think this would be unpopular.
Patience is an attractive virtue, especially when it's informed by diligence and thoughtfulness.
I don't understand why so many people think their difference of opinion matters so much to others. You are welcone to believe whatever you like.
That said... I don't agree nor disagree with you. It will happen when it's supposed to happen, period. I don't sweat the when. I'm not in control
Hang in there brother, I think you are right. Lots of pieces still have to fall into place. We set ourselves up for failure every time we date fag instead of just paying attention to the signs coming out.
10 updoots for the big guy on this one.