I mean, I understand it’s a joke. But then you said “I couldn’t help myself” Really? You couldn’t help yourself? ‘Q+17’ ended up in the answer because your kid did math wrong, not because you planned it to be there. Or are you suggesting you knew your kid would do it wrong so you placed it there just in case, like as an Easter Egg?
You need to get laid! What is with all the assholes attacking people on here? No reason for that Shit! Got nothing good to say? Great, then shut the fuck up! Keep your negativity to yourself! Your math is wrong, your social interaction is wrong. Do you feel better now that you pointed out someone's mistake? Judge not lest ye be judged. Also, grow up! You sound like a high school kid.
Dude. This is a Q-research forum. If someone comes along and posts some weird, little lie about a cute Qincidence in their kid’s homeschool homework assignment, in which the kid totally got the problem wrong. You’re kind of entitled to make fun of it a little bit without someone getting triggered by it
I mean, I understand it’s a joke. But then you said “I couldn’t help myself” Really? You couldn’t help yourself? ‘Q+17’ ended up in the answer because your kid did math wrong, not because you planned it to be there. Or are you suggesting you knew your kid would do it wrong so you placed it there just in case, like as an Easter Egg?
You need to get laid! What is with all the assholes attacking people on here? No reason for that Shit! Got nothing good to say? Great, then shut the fuck up! Keep your negativity to yourself! Your math is wrong, your social interaction is wrong. Do you feel better now that you pointed out someone's mistake? Judge not lest ye be judged. Also, grow up! You sound like a high school kid.
Yo chill lol
Ok. Just too much of this lately.
Dude. This is a Q-research forum. If someone comes along and posts some weird, little lie about a cute Qincidence in their kid’s homeschool homework assignment, in which the kid totally got the problem wrong. You’re kind of entitled to make fun of it a little bit without someone getting triggered by it
It’s just a weird thing to lie about, found it funny
To be fair I started off with “I don’t mean to be a dick” but I’ll go ahead and fuck off for you