Site rules states "No Paytriots/No Self Promotion:
Linking or promoting merchandise, fundraising, or spamming personal websites, blogs, or channels is not permitted."
Personalization for a rule infraction is really just a lot of yowling about being butt hurt.
Self promotion.
Instead, I was met with your leftist cancel culture faggotry, for self-promotion.
I am a NOBODY. I created this thread solely to try to win over lefties.
Site rules states "No Paytriots/No Self Promotion: Linking or promoting merchandise, fundraising, or spamming personal websites, blogs, or channels is not permitted."
Personalization for a rule infraction is really just a lot of yowling about being butt hurt.
Define "spamming"
I will be taking this up with mods. Define spamming.
You sicken me, sir. I have been shouting these truths from this digital mountaintop for decades.
I was there at the beginning of youtube, and I have been banned ever since.
Tonight, I was making progress with a couple leftists. I told them to come here for truth, and I wanted to meet and guide them
Another solution perhaps may have been a trash email address.
Rules are set for community guidelines and cohesiveness... but of course as you have rather hyperventilated, you are special.
If you think rules are for others and don't apply to yourself, perhaps your more leftist than you consciously admit patriot.
Can no one else see that this is how the left infiltrates?