What traps Most males to porn is introducing it to them between the ages of 12-16.
My first exposure to porn was at the age of 13 via a neighbor boy in the same apt building. It's effects held me until I was 24 and at 25 became a born again Christian. Still at the age of 61 the enemy will from time to time bring back past centerfolds into my thoughts. That is why porn is so insidious and dangerous sins.
What traps Most males to porn is introducing it to them between the ages of 12-16. My first exposure to porn was at the age of 13 via a neighbor boy in the same apt building. It's effects held me until I was 24 and at 25 became a born again Christian. Still at the age of 61 the enemy will from time to time bring back past centerfolds into my thoughts. That is why porn is so insidious and dangerous sins.