Just sent a video to my ex about how the covid19 virus has not been scientifically isolated and got a few discrediting videos in response...forgot about the counter punch!! Anyone have info on these guys??
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Dr Cowan wrote The Contagion Myth, which I've just read. Extremely good book! He has been an alternative doctor for years, has tons of credentials and has quoted all the research about diseases that were supposed to be contagious over the years and how they couldn't get anyone to catch them even if they put disgusting germy stuff in every orifice. It turns out that germs don't exist. Bacteria exist, but mostly disease is caused by the terrain - which Pasteur admitted on his deathbed after he'd milked his own germ theory for his whole life. So toxins cause weakness in the immune system and 5G is what sets off the immune system shitstorm. All the places that came down with heavy duty covid were also just drowned in 5G - Wuhan had the most 5G ever, that's why people were just dropping dead in the streets. Wuhan and N Italy also had extremely bad pollution in the air with a high level of pneumonia every year.
I recommend the book and Dr Cowan highly. Of course the medical community shoots him down, wouldn't want the truth to get out and stop selling drugs, would we now.
I'm all about it...I just keep a healthy dose of skepticism just to not feel foolish. The problem is we hit a brick wall when we try to get this sorta stuff out to the normies. You say 5G and are INSTANTLY scoffed at and shut down in their 'minds'. Thank you though, it rings true to me!