George News has stated that all the photos they have released over the years, from AF1, press events, international trips with Trump etc. have all been taken with the same device. So, who holds that device? George released a buttload of photos early this morning and I was thinking with a bit of research it wouldn't be very difficult to figure out who it is. Some pictures taken from directly behind Trump, with dozens of press taking pictures from the front. Find those press photos and theoretically you can easily narrow it down. Or is it already public knowledge?
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Was thinking the same thing. Like in North Korea, there has to be another angle to see who was taking the picture George posted ...
Who mentioned Q here?
Never said anything about Q. George is posting pictures that would only be from someone inside Trump's inner circle. NO ONE SAID IT WAS Q. Your comment deserves the caps lock reply.
I was wondering if i would find this answer here. I claimed this on a couple posts couple weeks ago. He hits all the marks for me...Basically closest to Trump until bedtime on the daily. Just my opinion from watching since November '17...
I'd be surprised if it was Scavino simply because not the amount of similar stuff he posts. Meaning I would expect him to stick to one outlet. Though you never know...
I cant speak to that, i only see social media in places like theory is based off Dan being responsible for lots of the close personal pics of Trump during presidency, posted by Q, Plus he is charge of Trump's media and knowing the history of their relationship between the two, Dan is clearly among the closest to Trump on daily basis...closer then the kids even..except....maybe all this george stuff explains Ivankas disappearance from social media and spotlight.
I have a gut feeling that it is Don Jr. Something about the way things are worded makes it stand out that way. It would explain all the trump property locations all the time.
Would be a good exercise to track Trump registered planes to and from nyc/etc near the George news locations.
That had crossed my mind. Even the way George words their messages on Telegram remind me a bit of Don Jr. There's a bit of a "sarcastic troll" aspect to some of them..
That’s exactly right. He has a tone that he posts in.
I only have internet on my mobile device so it's tough for me to do any kind of efficient digging. I did look through some 2020 Davos press photos though and Jared was the one familiar face that kept popping up standing behind Trump.
The camera is in the horns, come on man....
Victor Fuqua
That was actually going to be my next thread. What happened to Vincent Fusca? That guy disappeared as soon as his "identity" got some publicity.
There have been posts that have researched some of the GEORGE pics as unique to the internet, meaning no search engine hasn't cataloged the pic GEORGE posted.
His name is Rusty Shackleford, and he lives in the woods just outside of Arlen Tx.
Who’s Santa?
The real Santa? Donald Trump, obviously
Well, guess we now know who George ISN'T: anybody important.
Where can you find the pictures?
They were posted on George's Telegram account. Not sure if they can be found elsewhere.
My old flip phone can't do it but I bet someone here has a smart phone you can turn over or backwards real quick.