When I was a teen growing up in the 90's, I went through the same sort of rebellion phase virtually all teens go through (or used to?), because it's part of that stage of growing up to question and even perhaps arbitrarily rail against certain familial or societal rules and restrictions as you seek to define yourself as an individual and an independent person capable of navigating the world. If you always choose to live within your parents' mindsets and beliefs without questioning them, then you never really define yourself as a person (even if you end up agreeing with their beliefs on your own, that is different than just "doing as you're told.")
In my youth, everything in society seemed very "solid" and even impenetrable. I was nerdy, creative, on the fringes of my peers; "normal" at the time was so different than what it is defined as today. At the time, it felt like the cool kids (who had money, elite hair/clothes, or who were really good at sports, or who were really hip and into partying, etc.) would never accept me. Now, our society has done such a total 180 that I feel extremely conservative by contrast, whereas I used to feel edgy and like I challenged the norms; I now feel like I'm lamenting their disappearance and that I shouldn't have taken them for granted. Part of that is just getting older and having a calmer/more responsible lifestyle, of course, but it's way more than that. Our society has completely lost its barometer for what is "normal," and I don't think it's a good thing at all.
What's sadder is that a lot of the kids who are ascribing to these types of degenerate philosophies would have previously been more like I was: on the fringes, awkwardly trying to find their way and trying to carve out a unique identity against a backdrop of reliable normalcy. Now, they connect with these perverted groups online and suddenly are given the support (grooming?) for a "new identity" to make them feel cool, but none of it is actually cool or creative or edgy. It's just sad.
Well said. And yes, the search for one's identity is something we all go through and normal. The world offers so many choices and the list grows larger every day. But like consuming a sweet, there comes a time when you reach a point of saying..."enough". Part of the reason for the social disfunction today is that the media, big corporations, advertisers, clothing designers, movie makers, etc. don't want a point where nobody should go. They don't exist to refine what is good like they once did. Now, they look to destroy it. They don't want the boundary. And yet, how interesting that now they choose to censor speech. Not movies or TV. Not music or pedophilia. No, they want to censor anyone who speaks up, speaks out, has a contrary opinion. They choose to place a subjective border around our ability to express ourselves in heathy ways, not destructive ones. It's there that they define hate, the place where you simply say you're had "enough",
It's in our nature to understand that there is a difference between good and evil, right and wrong. It's taught to us by our parents, our church, our community. It used to be reinforced by our schools, our media and those we looked to for guidance. In so many places this structure to support us doesn't exist as it once did. The left has purposely pushed us to a place that we don't want to be and to say we want to go back, return to something more healthy, better for our souls is now called hate speech, wrong thought and we're targeted for cancellation.
Those who have brought us to this place and tell us we cannot go back are the ones who will be dealt with by a slowly awakened electorate and marshalled into action by DJT or someone inspired by him. It can't happen fast enough.
When I was a teen growing up in the 90's, I went through the same sort of rebellion phase virtually all teens go through (or used to?), because it's part of that stage of growing up to question and even perhaps arbitrarily rail against certain familial or societal rules and restrictions as you seek to define yourself as an individual and an independent person capable of navigating the world. If you always choose to live within your parents' mindsets and beliefs without questioning them, then you never really define yourself as a person (even if you end up agreeing with their beliefs on your own, that is different than just "doing as you're told.")
In my youth, everything in society seemed very "solid" and even impenetrable. I was nerdy, creative, on the fringes of my peers; "normal" at the time was so different than what it is defined as today. At the time, it felt like the cool kids (who had money, elite hair/clothes, or who were really good at sports, or who were really hip and into partying, etc.) would never accept me. Now, our society has done such a total 180 that I feel extremely conservative by contrast, whereas I used to feel edgy and like I challenged the norms; I now feel like I'm lamenting their disappearance and that I shouldn't have taken them for granted. Part of that is just getting older and having a calmer/more responsible lifestyle, of course, but it's way more than that. Our society has completely lost its barometer for what is "normal," and I don't think it's a good thing at all.
What's sadder is that a lot of the kids who are ascribing to these types of degenerate philosophies would have previously been more like I was: on the fringes, awkwardly trying to find their way and trying to carve out a unique identity against a backdrop of reliable normalcy. Now, they connect with these perverted groups online and suddenly are given the support (grooming?) for a "new identity" to make them feel cool, but none of it is actually cool or creative or edgy. It's just sad.
I blame Postmodernism for all of this.
Well said. And yes, the search for one's identity is something we all go through and normal. The world offers so many choices and the list grows larger every day. But like consuming a sweet, there comes a time when you reach a point of saying..."enough". Part of the reason for the social disfunction today is that the media, big corporations, advertisers, clothing designers, movie makers, etc. don't want a point where nobody should go. They don't exist to refine what is good like they once did. Now, they look to destroy it. They don't want the boundary. And yet, how interesting that now they choose to censor speech. Not movies or TV. Not music or pedophilia. No, they want to censor anyone who speaks up, speaks out, has a contrary opinion. They choose to place a subjective border around our ability to express ourselves in heathy ways, not destructive ones. It's there that they define hate, the place where you simply say you're had "enough",
It's in our nature to understand that there is a difference between good and evil, right and wrong. It's taught to us by our parents, our church, our community. It used to be reinforced by our schools, our media and those we looked to for guidance. In so many places this structure to support us doesn't exist as it once did. The left has purposely pushed us to a place that we don't want to be and to say we want to go back, return to something more healthy, better for our souls is now called hate speech, wrong thought and we're targeted for cancellation.
Those who have brought us to this place and tell us we cannot go back are the ones who will be dealt with by a slowly awakened electorate and marshalled into action by DJT or someone inspired by him. It can't happen fast enough.