CNN is handing these buttons out like candy to their reporters. Jim Acosta was seen wearing two! THEY BARELY SURVIVED
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I see an angle. Note taken, thank you for a response. Like I have said, not being disrespectful I hope, but I am a curious cat myself. So when cognitive dissonance arises inside my brain-hole, I ask questions.
Oh, no offense taken whatsoever, absolutely, fren. My only question about you is, why do you have 'potato' as your tag? You're clearly no potato.
I swim with the potatoes. And plus, they make excellent sides to my favorite breakfast food, eggs. And it's a throw to the scent, maybe not, but maybe. Art of War, Deception. That's why I said note taken earlier. But in any case, I still thank you for your input. You are clever. That is for sure.
Starchy! I like the cut of your gib.