If you come here with the intention of slandering us, you are not a journalist. You’re nothing more than an asset to rapists, murderers and crooks. If your work aids in the cover up of crimes against humanity you are no better than any of the monsters we fight so hard to expose. In fact, you are to blame. It’s your fault things got so bad. It’s your fault that human trafficking and corruption thrived for so long. Good people would have taken care of this problem long ago, had they not trusted YOU to inform them.
Do the right thing and start reporting the truth. Help us save children.
You’ll end up a legend.
I agree. The media is just as responsible as the monsters. By covering up the crimes they are complicit. By reporting false information and propaganda they are the same as the media in Nazi Germany.
Nothing will change until the media is destroyed. I'm sure most of the "journalists" are part of the Cabal and evil. Many are married or related to politicians.
There are 2 types of journalists in fake news, the brainwashed ones and the ones with guns on the back of their heads. There’s no way the MSM can or ever will redeem themselves.
Absolutely, MSM is despicable.
But we need courage now more than ever. Any journalist that isn’t sociopathic or abjectly stupid can step up and do good. As you said, it is literally dangerous. But please, anonymous journalist, be a hero! You can do it!
They can never redeem themselves.
They know, and they don't care. All the real information is at their fingertips, but they choose to hide reports on child trafficking and evil done by their party. Remorse and empathy for those outside their circle are non existent to them.
Bots have already successfully injected exploitable content to support a potential slander campaign..