The apparent spelling out of 811 188 PLUS the very interesting and generally bad ass callsign JEDI17 of that big beautiful C17 defiantly piques my interest though.
Good eye!
You’d be surprised what we SEE when we SIMPLY - LOOK UP!
Observe clouds, observe natural formation vs man made “pollutions” and “con” trails
Observe the sun, the brightness vs intensity color time of day visible sunlight/daytime vs evening. Observe the moon and night time flight patterns. (Don’t stare too long though!)
Research group-engineering and the soft disclosure currently taking place.
What does Q say about weather warfare and or weather in general?
Remember also what is up is down, right is left, black is white, back is front, so on.
118 in a mirror looks like 811
Post 811 what do you think about that one. post 118 is what happen before 811 is what could be happening now.
Tell me what you think about that one
OUR POTUS is waiting.....
Holy shit.....thats exactly how it was drawn in the sky! 811 I was watching it as he flew it!
DQ 17 Q+
“Only the beginning, PADAWAN. They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media, [D] party being exposed for all to see].”
“DEEP DREAM dragonfly!” (>|<)
Looks like probably routine flying.
Who’s to say what they are really doing though.
The apparent spelling out of 811 188 PLUS the very interesting and generally bad ass callsign JEDI17 of that big beautiful C17 defiantly piques my interest though.
Good eye!
You’d be surprised what we SEE when we SIMPLY - LOOK UP!
Observe clouds, observe natural formation vs man made “pollutions” and “con” trails
Observe the sun, the brightness vs intensity color time of day visible sunlight/daytime vs evening. Observe the moon and night time flight patterns. (Don’t stare too long though!)
Research group-engineering and the soft disclosure currently taking place.
What does Q say about weather warfare and or weather in general?
Matrix of Conspiracies
Total control!
Master of your Domain
Coming out of my state...nice!
While we're at it, let's think mirror and check out post 811.