Think about it. Sleepers. They're everywhere.
Many more were exposed during the election fraud situation, but how many more needed to remain hidden all the way until the end - until they were sure that they were safe and Biden was in office?
They're locked into their plan. If Biden is "officially president" then they have no choice to move forward and expose themselves. They'll have no excuse to say no!
Once Biden is "president" the most dangerous people, who've tried the hardest to stay hidden, will become more active, resume attempts at communicating others, and come out of the woodwork once they think the coast is clear.
Ironically, it was Lenin that said, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it yourself."
They'll have an incredibly easy time mapping out any unseen areas of the deep state and their civilian collaborators... because they'll all be drawn to Biden like moths to a flame.
The fake Biden presidency is BAIT. And I bet people are taking it left and right.
Not just the people joining his administration but all the Rino traitors in the Republican Party. Both parties are self-destructing.
ESPECIALLY the Republicans. Those are the ones who had to maintain cover the most, because if they expose themselves too much they could destroy their own political career, and then the deep state wouldn't have that asset anymore.
100% agree. By outing themselves they destroyed any political future. Is Romney, Niki, etc. going to be accepted by the Dems? Are they going to have support by patriots after stabbing Trump in the back? Trump said he was not going to start a new party, so the only chance The Republican Party has is to be purged. It’s messy, but I don’t think there was any other way of doing it.
Indeed. The purge WILL happen! It has to.
I do believe it has already started. Look no further than Trump's endorsements