posted ago by southbeatz ago by southbeatz +43 / -1

It may be crazy but in recent years, the more I research things the more it seems some things previously thought to be rare have been hiding in plain sight for countless decades.

There are quite a few elites of the world that are trannies. There's plenty of evidence available online to support this. Of course in many cases it may be impossible to have 100% certainty but easily 99% certainty.

The 1% being lack of confirmation from the tranny or trannies in question themselves. I could name plenty but there's no need. If anyone is curious to look into it then they'll find far more than they realized they would.

We've had cabal, DS, ancient families, all sorts of societies hiding in plain sight. Their symbolism may very well be their downfall but that still leaves a curious question.

What about all the trannies basically created because of the secret elite trannies pushing things publicly yet hidden at the same time, maybe subliminal?

We know people like Bill Gates publicly says he wants a much lower world population. One way to accomplish that would to push the transgender movement into over drive.

Hell, far as we know the covid hoax vaccine could fuck with dna to make people feel more like the opposite sex. What all has the DS really planned on that may or may not happen?

People here on the GAW believe the military is working to fix many things but it's not illegal for people to be transgender. There are many things the MSM brainwashed society with that could take a long time to counter or may never completely go away ever.

Thoughts anyone?