southbeatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, it is a shame how far some of humanity has fallen mentally and intellectually. They still believe they are the majority because the MSM says so. They believe they are the majority because a large portion of votes were illegal, from dead people, from animals, and some duplicate votes counted many times over.

In reality, we are the vast majority. Most of us wouldn't use those businesses anyways so we wouldn't be able to be denied service but as function adults, if ever denied service we would simply go elsewhere. I've seen articles over the years where insane libtard businesses failed within 6 months of opening.

One of my main complaints about those people is not that they're mentally unhinged, mentally retarded, completely insane, living mentally in some other world but more so that those of us that actually have meaningful and useful jobs that directly contribute to society functioning properly ends up benefits these people.

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Back in the day before internet it could be a bit of an adventure to research things whereas now days just a little bit of time on the internet can do it all. It is convenient now days but feels less rewarding to dig up information without real effort.

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've known about probably 85-90% of everything for decades but until recent years never had a place to speak with likeminded people about these types of things which was unfortunate. I've always liked learning things and researching things, even before the internet back when I'd have to go to libraries and travel around doing hands on slow paced old school research.

Along the way in my many adventures I've come across a lot of disturbing things and information. I think in recent years it's become more clear some of the people involved in these things whereas previously that information was considerably harder to obtain and even harder to verify to any degree. At least places like this exist now for people to share information and thoughts on instead of everyone having to be completely alone in all of this knowledge.

southbeatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I grow food and have chickens, pigs, etc but have not gotten solar panels yet but eventually I will get those. Biggest increase I've seen in recent years was property tax. My property tax went up around 275% the past couple of years. I already ride a bike for exercise 10-20 miles pretty regularly instead of driving every time I go somewhere. If there was ever a major societal collapse I'd probably be in good shape. Sure I would miss the endless entertainment the internet provides if that went down but I spend a lot of time outdoors so I'd get over it. I should invest in gold or silver though one of these days.

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, when prices go up I just adjust my spending budget accordingly which really shouldn't have to be but it is what it is. I do believe regardless of what happens that those of us that live good honest lives will benefit the most eventually. A lot of people taking shady or borderline criminal shortcuts to wealth will lost out in the end.

I've always found that sticking to a budget and making shopping lists ahead of time and sticking to them goes a long ways in making money go much further. In my younger days, a lot of excess spending was from random purchases and often things I didn't need or truly make enough use out of. I prefer to buy things that can be a bit of an investment.

It doesn't always have to be something that will generate money either. Buying things that will last for decades can be a bit of an investment but sometimes requires paying a bit more money. Like someone can buy a $30 pair of Walmart shoes or go buy a $100 pair and odds are that $100 pair will last 5 times longer which in the end will have made it actually cheaper.

Shopping sales also can help. about 25 or so years ago I bought an office chair, I don't remember the price but now days similar ones are around $300. The chair lasted over 20 years and was still in good shape but I bought a new one last year because it was on sale for $109, regular $289 so maybe this new one will get me another 20 years of good use.

I should invest in things like gold/silver but haven't but if I started selling things I have, I'd have quite a lot of money

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, the entire financial system is debt based where things cost more than the average person can afford to pay in cash therefore people choose financing. Often times interest rates will be high enough to make it difficult for those people to pay off their debts and many will settle for the minimum payment which will accumulate a lot of interest over time.

I don't know what the perfect solution would be but I do know that erasing debt would essentially punish everyone that was responsible with their finances that did not get into major debt. People like me that choose to do without something sometimes to avoid years of debt wouldn't benefit from responsible spending. My car is paid off, my home is paid off, my 4 credit cards are paid off but I know people that rack up many thousands of debt to have things they want without waiting and saving.

The average consumer lives essentially paycheck to paycheck because of the debt they pay on each month. I still get things I want but I'm smart about it. I'm currently saving to put a good down payment on a car when I'm ready to part with my current car, so I'm building up the down payment to make for cheaper monthly payments because I still want to be able to save money for other things. Having a good savings is good too for any emergency expenses instead of depending on credit and going into more debt.

I don't know what financial system would be ideal but I do know it appeared to be much better when the dollar was backed by gold instead of the current, almost, fake fiat money we deal with. Simply fixing the financial system to where the value of a dollar returns more to what it should be would immediately make everyone damn near rich. The value of the dollar has gone down so much over the decades, I'm only 44 and notice such a huge difference between the 90s and today.

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Credit and debit cards are useful but also requires us to keep our money in the care of banks instead of keeping it at home. I prefer buying things in cash but I do use credit cards some but pay them off in full each month, mostly to build credit. While we live in this type of financial system, good credit is very useful. I don't care about credit but a lot of places do. Good credit is needed to buy a home since most people can't buy a home or land in cash upfront. Most people can't buy a car in cash upfront. Even some landlords require good credit to rent from them. A lot of things in our current financial system requires credit so although I personally don't like the idea of credit, I have to play within the system we're stuck in. If any stores closed it would be the big stores because they're unable to function without the current financial system but small businesses would very easily switch to cash.

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would be in favor of the fed being done away with but I cannot be in favor of credit card debt being done away with because that would essentially bail out all of those that were not responsible enough to not get into severe debt. I keep my 3 credit cards paid off and only have them to help have better credit and if some emergency expense came up then I could swipe a credit card to avoid dipping into savings. The majority of people with a lot of credit card debt are irresponsible consumers though. You used yours to stock up on important things which is understandable but most people live a life of never ending debt and those people shouldn't be bailed out.

southbeatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think there is any real demand for digital currency though even in a collapse. I know people use it and crypto but I don't personally know a single person that uses any of that type of shit. Maybe it's more a young person thing to be interested in? I also don't use social media. I don't use twiiter, instagram, tiktok, or any of the many social media platforms unless youtube counts as social media. I don't consider youtube to be social media because I just watch videos on it.

It's probably been over 5 years since I've made a facebook post, over 10 years since I've used twitter. I've never once used instagram or tiktok. I'm sure there are plenty of others that I never even heard of like snapchat which I've heard of but have never used. I still prefer paying with cash for most things outside of swiping credit cards here n there for the purpose of better credit. When I buy land and a house I'll need the good credit score because that's one of the few things that I cannot afford in cash.

You are right though, there will come a point where government and fake media try to say that everything is collapsing and that everyone needs to use government control fake digital currencies. That may work in places like China but I don't believe it's possible in the USA, at least not until 2 to 3 more generations of older people die off. New bullshit digital currencies will likely begin with the lie that it's a better convenience and they might even add in some form of rewards system with discounts to encourage people to let go of their financial freedom for the lie of something better.

southbeatz 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's crazy that China ever was considered a developing nation given that China has existed long before the USA was even a thought.

southbeatz 5 points ago +5 / -0

They sure were so afraid of the big bad covid. During all the covid insanity I never even had as much as a runny nose. I'm not 600LB though, I'm also not someone afraid of everything in life. I enjoy the outdoors daily which I'm sure contributes to a good immune system. I very rarely eat junk food and very rarely eat fast food. While the lefties were cowering in fear at home, I was out living life. Some people simply will refuse to ever admit that they were wrong and they certainly don't want to admit that they were the fools that fell for the big lie.

southbeatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

It amazes me how some people still believe that politicians have ever done things for the right reasons. Even the founding of the USA had its share of crooked shady shit but that would be a long conversation. When a politician does something good, there's always a motive for that good dead and it's not just to do the right thing but a lot of people believe otherwise. I mean, I could say I liked Bill Clinton because he's the last president to give us gas under $1 per gallon but I doubt he had anything to do with those gas prices before Bush came along and forever started the trend of high gas prices.

Lincoln freed slaves for political gain, you are right about that. Some people will argue about how great he was but no one knows if he was a good person or a complete piece of shit unless it's written in history. We both know a lot of history is hidden or altered. Both political parties have their agendas, it just seems that the Democrat party often is the worst of the two.

southbeatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

A lot of people don't have liquid assets. A lot of people are in debt, with very little cash, and very little assets of value to trade if ever needed. It's the downside to a capitalist society that just continuously spends money, good little sheep consumers happily staying in debt. Good credit and credit cards can be useful tools but not ideal for just buying things to buy things with.

southbeatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Unfortunately it's gradually getting more difficult to use cash at the big box stores. Most registers at Walmart and Lowes seem to be self checkout card only with very few that accept cash. I don't like Walmart but I also don't like spending more money for the same items elsewhere so I tolerate Walmart I guess.

southbeatz 6 points ago +6 / -0

My sister does that a lot. She'll use credit cards instead of debit or cash. My bro's dad does something similar but with vehicles. His dad had traded in vehicles every few years for decades, without ever paying one off which literally is a decades long cycle of never ending debt. I use credit cards only as a means to have good credit but I never swipe one if I don't have the money to pay it off in full.

I also maintain quite a bit of savings but partly because I'd like to move from where I'm at and buy a house and that 20% down payment on a home loan certainly isn't cheap. I also maintain a savings for any potential emergencies that could occur. I hope that I'll never have to depend on a credit card for something but I suppose they can be good to have if ever needed. It really comes down to money management though.

southbeatz 19 points ago +19 / -0

The "precipice" seems to be likely to be related to poverty & homelessness more than anything else. Exposing criminals, pedophiles, etc might wake some people up but a lot of people won't wake up until their own individual lives are fucked up. A lot of people are selfish by nature and will require their luxuries in life to be taken. When people feel the pain financially to where everything they work for is gone then they'll wake up.

Until then, a lot of people will dismiss most things they see or hear around as it won't directly affect their own lives. It will be just like it is with big corporations that only make positive changes when the cash flow begins to dry up enough to impact profits. When people lose their new cars, have to move out of their house into a cheap apartment or trailer then struggle to afford even that and some facing risk of homelessness and real poverty then people will begin to pay attention.

As long as people are doing well financially, a lot of people will either be oblivious to what is going on or simply won't care. Seeing criminals brought to justice for crimes against humanity will not be a precipice type event. It might seem like it should be but a lot of people don't care what is going on, a lot of people won't believe what is going on, but when their way of life is destroyed then they'll begin to take notice.

southbeatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't had any vaccine since I was a child, decades ago but I also never get sick. I never played the mask games that many took part in which caused major inconveniences but. I went into stores during the brief period of mask stupidity but without a mask. It never was bad here in FL but the only stores that wanted me to wear a mask were in shopping malls. I never put on the mask and since that day, I never went inside of a shopping mall again which honestly was a great thing which saved me lots of money.

That same day a few years ago, a security guard in one of the malls wanted me and my ex-wife to put on a mask but instead we left. I don't know if she's been in a mall again but I certainly haven't and I'm able to personally boycott a business for life even if it causes me inconvenience. I've been awake to what's going on for decades though. Once someone sees the world for what it really is, it's impossible to ever truly go back to normal. You will notice things you never noticed before, even very subtle things in life.

southbeatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most of those lefties as people call them or ipad smashers as OP called them, are the type of people that are physically frail and weak. These people sit at computers day and night. They're on phones, tables, laptops, computers, all the time. They don't actively nor regularly exercise.

They consume lots of soy and yes that's not a joke. Read ingredients for a lot of food in your supermarkets and a lot of foods contain soy. These processed, prepackaged, and precooked foods are not a healthy option but they're not a horrible option either, just don't eat that junk daily.

It's increasingly more difficult for the average person to eat healthy everyday because that would require buying groceries from local farms, some of which have their own small market stores to shop at but obviously for a higher price due to fresh food without all of the endless preservatives.

Per the US census bureau, around 43% of adults earn 25k or less per year and 70% of adults earn below 50k per year so the majority of people cannot easily afford to eat healthy every day. Some soy in your diet can be healthy as long as it's not in everything you eat.

Our supposed enemies live off of soy, some even drink soy milk which honestly is amusing but it is what it is. These people though have taken the jobs that can destroy people like us. These people work for big tech, for government, law enforcement, courts, and more. They chose to get jobs that can give them power over the lives of others while many Americans chose jobs that produce things for society.

If there were ever a war with physicality then obviously it would not amount to anything because most of those lefties never even held a gun before. A lot of them probably never even got into a fist fight before and lack the physical strength to do any damage. They can wreck people's lives though through other means.

A lot of us don't like the political type of work because it requires a certain level of dishonesty and betrayal to gain power politically which many of us despise. Many of us despise dishonesty and betrayal but more of us would need to win local elections and retake our country from the parasites infecting it.

This can take decades though. I don't believe we'll ever need to be like those spartans and battle anyone but if we did, it wouldn't be much of a battle. The main problem though with political shit is that the left wants to control everything and be in everyone's business while the right simply wants to live life and be left alone.

For things to truly change would require more of us to step into aspects of life that we prefer to avoid, to make that change or else it will continue to get worse. There is nothing really accomplished by physical warfare in this type of war because our enemy is largely a lot of adults that are still mentally children.

southbeatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup, it sure would be nice. I'm doing good in life but I know a lot of people are not. I also know that a minimum wage job is not supposed to be a career job that can support someone or a family but now days people stuck on minimum wage jobs barely get by in life. Some people get stuck on minimum wage jobs because maybe their career job did lots of layoffs which happens more often than people might think. There's also elderly people that retired years ago but had to go back to work in their 80s to be able to pay their bills.

A lot of people don't ever take a moment to think about the millions of people dealing with real struggle. Sure if the financial were properly fixed then I'd be living a much nicer life but I've never been a greedy person though. I have plenty of land, a home, vehicle, money saved up, etc but I've also given up things over the past several years. Fortunately I'm able to maintain a good savings without having to use it because we never know what might happen in life from day to day and although I have credit cards, I'd prefer to not depend on them for any unexpected major expenses.

I know this website GAW, has largely focused on Q related things but it has to be more than just talking about the evil snakes hiding in the shadows one day finally seeing justice served. Back when my parents were alive, a few years ago, one of their neighbors was an older woman that had worked for a company right at 20 years and was planning to retire after 20 years but the company decided to lay off everyone that was near retiring. Fortunately she was able to hire a lawyer to get her retirement but lots of people have been getting screwed heavily in recent years all over America.

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wouldn't a TV remote be wider than the mallet handle lol?

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when 1 acre was commonly under $1,000. The problem with buying land is what you want to use the land for. If you want to put a home there then you have to have a house built or a trailer put there, both of which are major expenses. Then the septic, water, power pole, etc has to be done and septic and water alone can cost $20,000 on top of whatever the cost is for the home.

It's difficult for a normal person to get multiple large loans to cover those different expenses which is why people typically go after a home with everything already there. If you can afford it, you can make land arable though but it would involve a lot of work and possibly more money than it's worth. You can have several feet of soil and dirt/clay removed and replaced with top soil that would be arable. The problem would be the cost because top soil takes up to 5 years to create.

southbeatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I probably shouldn't have said rich but instead should have said much more financially stable. I see all the time where lots of people are struggling to survive, struggling to keep a home, and afford food, etc. If the past 50+ years of our financial system being fucked with was corrected then people would essentially have 5 to 8 times more wealth when prices went down and the value of a dollar went up.

One good example I remember from my youth was back in 1994 when I worked at Burger King for $4.25/hr while going to school. Back then a whopper was $1 so 1 hour of work could literally buy 4 whoppers but now days whoppers are over $4 and here in FL I think minimum wage is like $11/hr. I haven't had a minimum wage job in like 25 years but I think it's at 11/hr now but working 1 hour now at that wage would only afford a person 2 whoppers whereas in the early 90s 4.25/hr could buy 4 whoppers.

Gas back then was as cheap as 69 cent per gallon in some places. A large portion of inflation is caused by government wasting money and causing the value of the dollar to go down. If it were ever corrected, people wouldn't be literally rich but people would be able to afford a house, a car, food to make proper meals with, etc. People wouldn't have to struggle to survive each month.

Per the US census bureau, around 43% of adults earns 25k or less per year. If we take a person earning 25k gross income and that person wants to rent a home, typically a landlord will require the person to earn 3x the rent in monthly income which would be around $2,083 per month and that needs to be divided by 3 to get the max amount of rent they'll likely be approved for which would be around $694.

In most cities now days, a roach infested borderline condemned tiny studio apartment costs $700 and up so 43% of adults are likely having to live with family or have roommates just to be able to afford a cheap home. If the person chooses a roommate then they'd need a 2br home which will increase that price at least to $900 or higher which would allow the two people to get over that 3x threshold.

No one can force a landlord to lower their prices, as far as I know so even if the financial system were fixed there might still be lots of greedy landlords trying to milk tenants for every extra dollar possible. It is very easy to afford a mortgage for a house but banks typically require a 20% down payment which is what makes buying a home out of reach for many.

An average ole 3br house with 1/4th acre yard will easily be $200,000 and up. At the bottom end of $200,000 would be a $40,000 down payment up front. How many people earning 25k or even 50k per year can come up with a 40k down payment? There are government programs to help low income people get a mortgage with a low to no down payment but then the monthly mortgage payment would be considerably higher.

Regardless though, if the financial system were ever fixed, people would at least have a chance to have a good home instead of struggling to afford dumpy homes.

southbeatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was wondering that too. Why the hell would he try to stick a mallet handle up his ass over video game rage lol?

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