The weak point is...Constitution is based on Englightenment philosophy...the snake that eats the's the left side of the left right paradigm creating more control for the Cosmopolitan Elite Banking Class at the top. All wars are banker's wars.
It CAN be spun so...Satanists WILL spin it. And who has control of Earthly kingdoms for a time? Uh oh.
All of the slimy public servant denizens of DC took an oath to obey the Constitution. On that basis alone, the majority of them should have been charged with treason going back many years.
The normie interpretation is that the Biden regime wants to purge all elements of conservatism from the ranks.
Which is, of course, a load of crap. The oath goes against what the Deep State is doing.
The weak point is...Constitution is based on Englightenment philosophy...the snake that eats the's the left side of the left right paradigm creating more control for the Cosmopolitan Elite Banking Class at the top. All wars are banker's wars.
It CAN be spun so...Satanists WILL spin it. And who has control of Earthly kingdoms for a time? Uh oh.
Thanks Enlightenment!
All of the slimy public servant denizens of DC took an oath to obey the Constitution. On that basis alone, the majority of them should have been charged with treason going back many years.
Fantastic. Severely weaken their Army and send their strength to the up and coming Patriot army.