Good Telegram, Bad Telegram
I’d like to start a thread [sticky?]to discuss and vet Telegram channels in relation to the Great Awakening. Which ones are good? Who is Actually connected or who is spreading good information? Who are the bad actors [paytriots]? What are we looking for? Facts and reliable information.
Real and worth following for GAW and Q news
Lin Wood
Garret Ziegler
Who to add?
Who to avoid?
Dan Scavino channel just started pushing a coin so I guess he’s out LOL.
I’m following danscavinochannel and it seems legit (but not verified yet). I haven’t seen anything about any coins.
George news has a second channel Georgeradio that they say they will be using more soon. Very rare right now.
Truthsparklesnow is a fun one though there are a lot of reposts from other channels.
I totally agree with frogcomms. That one is really interesting and they only post once or twice a day but they’re huge posts.
Lin wood has replytolinwood as well and he forwards a lot of his posts there where he can see replies and respond. He can’t, for some reason, on his own.
I’m guilty of checking in on ghostezra and specoperator17 though I don’t follow either of them and definitely am skeptical about the posts. Lot of fun memes and videos from ghostezra though!