While washing his hands as advised by the CDC, he removed his ring and placed it on sink. By a sheer turn of fate it was accidentally knocked into the basin and fell into the drain.
Because of his diminished capacity, Biden forgot that he had removed his ring and since it was down the drain nobody noticed it.
Once the loss was discovered, the Senate began an investigation, including some strongly worded letters to the plumbers union, and the FBI investigatiors are looking for witnesses who can shed light on the whereabouts of the ring. (If you have any information please call (800) FBI-TITS {800-324-8487} and ask for special agent Comey).
While washing his hands as advised by the CDC, he removed his ring and placed it on sink. By a sheer turn of fate it was accidentally knocked into the basin and fell into the drain.
Because of his diminished capacity, Biden forgot that he had removed his ring and since it was down the drain nobody noticed it.
Once the loss was discovered, the Senate began an investigation, including some strongly worded letters to the plumbers union, and the FBI investigatiors are looking for witnesses who can shed light on the whereabouts of the ring. (If you have any information please call (800) FBI-TITS {800-324-8487} and ask for special agent Comey).
The foregoing is all total bullshit.