So this angle just popped in my head and its burning a big question mark in my brain. Let's take it back to election night. I'm lower enlisted and I know all my buddies and my immediate commanding officer voted Trump. The commanding officer is one of the more open officers that you can talk to and you bring it up to him. "The very rights I'm serving to protect were just stolen from me and my countrymen." What's the response? Is everything very hush hush right now and dont bring up the elephant in the room? Is this why we are seeing all this "oath" taking and vetting in our military right now? This is honestly unprecedented so I find it hard to believe people in the military haven't sent a few complaints up the chain of command about election stealing. I'm dying to know what the chatter among all the different ranks are.
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My older brother retired as a full commander from the navy. I asked him about the navy forcing all to retake the oath. This was his reply. "I don't see why unless they are either paranoid or trying to get someone to swear allegiance to their cause instead of the Constitution.
The political situation in this country is very toxic & there are ongoing efforts to pit one against another instead of trying to unite the country.
The clouds on the horizon are quite dark & difficult times lie just ahead."