FYI, we'll be temporarily turning off commenting for a few hours, from 12PM EST, while we attempt to find a solution to ridding these pages of this new influx of spam and bots accounts.
The busier the feed becomes, the more space your mobile device will use.
We want to keep commenting open for you, so don't worry as we will fix this ASAP!
Edit: need to rework the Bot we use, as some people are being booted unnecessarily.
They posted
FYI, we'll be temporarily turning off commenting for a few hours, from 12PM EST, while we attempt to find a solution to ridding these pages of this new influx of spam and bots accounts.
The busier the feed becomes, the more space your mobile device will use.
We want to keep commenting open for you, so don't worry as we will fix this ASAP!
Edit: need to rework the Bot we use, as some people are being booted unnecessarily.