posted ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot +1 / -0

When dealing with the ridiculous things being promoted by the hopelessly woke, it is helpful to remember that everything they say is backwards, and I mead everything. There are the obvious things, of course, equivalent to trying to tell you that black is white and down is up, but other things they say are more subtle. For instance, when they try to convince you that traditional preferences related to the two immutable genders are learned behaviors and therefore not valid because they are not biological, just remember, what they are saying is exactly backwards. The general preferences inherent in gender do not exist because they are taught to children. They are the result of biology. A bird doesn’t have to be taught how to build a nest, and a beaver doesn’t have to be taught how to build a dam. It is encoded in their DNA to know how to do those things. It is the same sort of intrinsic biological thing that attracts little boys to guns and little girls to barbies. There are exceptions, of course, because we are individuals, but exceptions do not prove that a general rule is false. (Don’t let them use that to make an argument, because it is a false premise.)

So, no matter what a whiney soy-addled immature sock-puppet might bring up from his list of learned catch-phrases, or what a lumpy bitter spittle-spewing feminist might quote from a greasy intellectually-challenged cat-hair-covered professor trying to be famous, remember that what they are saying is backwards. All it takes is a little thought with some common sense to dig out the lie.

Of course, they will resort to screaming meaningless epithets, profanity, and nonsense to drown you out if you begin to make sense, but when that happens, all you can do is give them your pity. They are lost in fantasy someone fashioned for them and think they are important for believing it. Reality will not be kind to them.