Trying to be fair here, .win uses Cloudflare and some have said that mods here banned them for mere disagreements over GEORGE which has as much anecdotal value as him saying that GEORGE banned him for asking questions.
Does cloudflare have embedded trackers like is alleged against the host GN uses?
The people claiming to have been banned by GN for asking questions (and there are many) have provided picture evidence. Pictures can be forged, to be sure, but what is the incentive for the mods (and countless other random folk) to do so? The people claiming to have been banned encouraged others to ask the same questions. GN has since disabled that ability.
The claimants provided a lot more than "anecdotal evidence". They provided damning evidence. Unless George News 180's and is willing to address these concerns instead of hiding behind comms outages with the explanation of "bots!", they are a scam.
Trying to be fair here, .win uses Cloudflare and some have said that mods here banned them for mere disagreements over GEORGE which has as much anecdotal value as him saying that GEORGE banned him for asking questions.
Does cloudflare have embedded trackers like is alleged against the host GN uses?
The people claiming to have been banned by GN for asking questions (and there are many) have provided picture evidence. Pictures can be forged, to be sure, but what is the incentive for the mods (and countless other random folk) to do so? The people claiming to have been banned encouraged others to ask the same questions. GN has since disabled that ability.
The claimants provided a lot more than "anecdotal evidence". They provided damning evidence. Unless George News 180's and is willing to address these concerns instead of hiding behind comms outages with the explanation of "bots!", they are a scam.