We must be very cautious we do not become what we profess to despise. Censorship and banning of certain books or materials... well.... that’s what we are fighting against. We are fighting to protect our constitutional freedoms of speech. How is banning George news not the same as shutting down the president on Twitter or destroying Parler? We are ALL sharing info someone else attained when we research. Not much shared is original thought so don’t get to haughty folks or else you’re no better that those trying to destroy Dr Suess. I’ll say it again for those in the back...
Be very careful not to become what you profess to despise. Hypocrisy doesn’t look good on anyone.
Lul everytime this happens someone will without fail try the mUh CeNsOrShIp strawman. Fact is Trump’s twitter was banned without cause, GeorgeNews is banned because they are lying pieces of shit
If you’re so principled and against censorship then why not argue against censorship of child porn?
All these "mah censorship" freaks should have a damn good answer about CP. If they're okay with it, they're most likely pedos. If they aren't, guess what? They're pro censorship! Woah!
You know nothing of my principles nor my fight to save the voiceless children from the horrors placed upon them. My boots on the ground efforts certainly outweigh your efforts to shun those who are rallying for freedoms of every American under the constitution. “By their fruits ye shall know them” your replies are rotten, worm infested fruit indeed. God bless America where you have the right to be a closed minded, arrogant asshole too prideful to see that your hypocrisy is showing and that your ability to draw equal examples sorely diminished. Get some rest love. You’ll feel better tomorrow. .
We must be very cautious we do not become what we profess to despise. Censorship and banning of certain books or materials... well.... that’s what we are fighting against. We are fighting to protect our constitutional freedoms of speech. How is banning George news not the same as shutting down the president on Twitter or destroying Parler? We are ALL sharing info someone else attained when we research. Not much shared is original thought so don’t get to haughty folks or else you’re no better that those trying to destroy Dr Suess. I’ll say it again for those in the back... Be very careful not to become what you profess to despise. Hypocrisy doesn’t look good on anyone.
Lul everytime this happens someone will without fail try the mUh CeNsOrShIp strawman. Fact is Trump’s twitter was banned without cause, GeorgeNews is banned because they are lying pieces of shit
If you’re so principled and against censorship then why not argue against censorship of child porn?
All these "mah censorship" freaks should have a damn good answer about CP. If they're okay with it, they're most likely pedos. If they aren't, guess what? They're pro censorship! Woah!
You know nothing of my principles nor my fight to save the voiceless children from the horrors placed upon them. My boots on the ground efforts certainly outweigh your efforts to shun those who are rallying for freedoms of every American under the constitution. “By their fruits ye shall know them” your replies are rotten, worm infested fruit indeed. God bless America where you have the right to be a closed minded, arrogant asshole too prideful to see that your hypocrisy is showing and that your ability to draw equal examples sorely diminished. Get some rest love. You’ll feel better tomorrow. .