165 https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-sends-dogs-home-to-delaware-after-biting-incident-against-white-house-security-report (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Katht6277 4 years ago by Katht6277 +165 / -0 62 comments download share 62 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Animal Symbolism!
First time seeing one of these live, let me see if there's some info I can extract -
Dogs = Folks on leash, serve their master, bury things.
"Major"+"biting incident" --> dogs biting it's owner --> "major" betrayal?
Aggressive behavior on multiple occasions --> Threatened to betray multiple times.
The dog doing the "biting" is a "German Shepherd".
Recent news from Germany?
Other notable lines -
"lots of people watching them (dogs)" --> Warning that they're being tracked?
News articles from Germany for the past couple of days might have more info.
Germanbros, any other hot topics in Deutshland news right now?
Throwing this bone out there, too:
I keep thinking of the cliche "when something comes back to bite you" after you've initially done something wrong.
Could something be coming back to bite Biden, even though he wasn't the one bitten? I'm thinking 25th A.
Just another perspective.
Nicely done!