Bitcoin has been manipulated by whales since its inception. It is no different from your typical equity in that sense. Anyone with a few thousand BTC can manipulate the price, and whales can and do conspire to manipulate the market during periods of weakness. Example, in April of 2019 BTC was driven to over $14,000 and then crashed in a prearranged pump and dump.
However, for all its faults, it is less susceptible to market manipulation than other digital assets. They key takeaway is that it is not manipulated by the deep state currently. They will have to buy it first or coerce the current whales to join their cabal. And the vast majority of Bitcoin whales do not come from families that they would want to accept into their inner circles.
Watch for the deep state to try and make a different cryptocurrency that they can control. They won't push Bitcoin, or will do so only as a bait and switch.
BTW, there is a huge, huge security problem with Bitcoin that will strike once quantum computers become sufficiently powerful. The details are too technical for a post like this (it is an implementation detail that people do for convenience rather than a purely technical one), but if the deep state gets a hold of a powerful enough quantum computer, they will be able to engineer a massive theft that will destroy all confidence in Bitcoin. The solution will then be to shift everyone to their "new" cryptocurrency, which they control and which will not be subject to this issue.
I know basically nothing about cryptos, but I have a gut feeling that Bitcoin's "security" and "decentralised" attributes are being pumped right now so everyone will put their stimulus cheques and spare money into bitcoin or the market, and at a time of their choosing when it hits that sweet spot the Central Banks will have massive sell off and crash it, showing how unstable money is when the public is in control and try and get the Gov to let them "regulate" it just like the failed fiat currency. I'm going to stick with my gold, silver and uranium stocks, Investing in what I can understand.
Bitcoin has been manipulated by whales since its inception. It is no different from your typical equity in that sense. Anyone with a few thousand BTC can manipulate the price, and whales can and do conspire to manipulate the market during periods of weakness. Example, in April of 2019 BTC was driven to over $14,000 and then crashed in a prearranged pump and dump.
However, for all its faults, it is less susceptible to market manipulation than other digital assets. They key takeaway is that it is not manipulated by the deep state currently. They will have to buy it first or coerce the current whales to join their cabal. And the vast majority of Bitcoin whales do not come from families that they would want to accept into their inner circles.
Watch for the deep state to try and make a different cryptocurrency that they can control. They won't push Bitcoin, or will do so only as a bait and switch.
BTW, there is a huge, huge security problem with Bitcoin that will strike once quantum computers become sufficiently powerful. The details are too technical for a post like this (it is an implementation detail that people do for convenience rather than a purely technical one), but if the deep state gets a hold of a powerful enough quantum computer, they will be able to engineer a massive theft that will destroy all confidence in Bitcoin. The solution will then be to shift everyone to their "new" cryptocurrency, which they control and which will not be subject to this issue.
I know basically nothing about cryptos, but I have a gut feeling that Bitcoin's "security" and "decentralised" attributes are being pumped right now so everyone will put their stimulus cheques and spare money into bitcoin or the market, and at a time of their choosing when it hits that sweet spot the Central Banks will have massive sell off and crash it, showing how unstable money is when the public is in control and try and get the Gov to let them "regulate" it just like the failed fiat currency. I'm going to stick with my gold, silver and uranium stocks, Investing in what I can understand.