Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

When are the 6000 scheduled to arrive, and how much time do they need to coordinate their activities and establish command structures?

Seems to me, it would be easier to arrest the congress members as they return in September. So the question is exactly how much preparation and coordination is required to prepare for this? Also might make sense to get them all there early so nobody can try and sneak in and evade capture.

Just thinking out loud as to reasons why they might be mobilized this early.

Monomial 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why do you think "staged" means "faked"?

The most likely scenario in my mind remains:

Military intelligence neutralizes a very real attempt days before the rally. Stages the attempt on the day of with a fake bullet to vacuum up all the collaborators in the plot.

The problem I see is that people think just because it was staged by military intelligence, that implies it wasn't a genuine attempt by the alphabet agencies. There is no reason to conclude that.

Monomial 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's a good theory and I gave it an updoot.

Not sure I buy it 100%. Taking Biden out on "ice cream" day wasn't a forced accident. That had to have been planned all along. Still, that doesn't mean there is no truth at all to the above story. Good perspective to keep in mind.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

The requirements to be VP are identical to the requirements for President. Kamala has been judged qualified already. This is not the reason.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seriously? This just makes me angry. Why would Trump say this? Who cares about how much money his campaign lost?

How about all the money WE'VE lost through unacceptable inflation, at least in part as a result of the intolerable Ukraine policies and open borders? We've been forced to endure 4 years of this damn psyop and espionage warfare.

Shouldn't we be reimbursed before Trump's campaign?

Just askin'?

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

She was already ruled eligible to be Vice President during the 2020 run, which means she is eligible to be President as well. You may not agree with it, but unless you think the people making that determination have fundamentally changed in the last 4 years, then it isn't plausible to say she can't be President.

There is no difference between the requirements of President and VP.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

IF someone was killed that's a tragedy. And I don't know who would have killed him.

But nothing changes the fact that no bullet was fired at Trump. Anyone willing to accept simple logic knows that.

Monomial 4 points ago +7 / -3

I disagree. The fact that even people in the crowd knew something was up means Trump's private security and military intelligence had to know. It's too far fetched to believe they didn't. The only reasonable explanation is that the assassination was ALLOWED to proceed by Trump's team, and they would only do that if they had already neutralized the threat. Meaning no real bullet.

Although Trump has surrendered his SAG card, he's still a great actor.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Having the media break a story, days later, of a plot by Iran to kill the Presidential frontrunner is confusing, unncessary, and, when you think about it, actually makes the Secret Service look even worse"

Uhhh...yeah. I think that's kind of the whole point. Is there anyone who doesn't think this is setting up an investigation to expose the corruption within the Secret Service and other alphabet agencies?

Sometimes people seem amazingly insightful, and then they make stupid comments that show they really don't yet understand.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't underestimate how much they rely on external validation for their sense of worth.

I have a few crypto currency boards where I hang out that are inundated by radical leftists. I try to stay as neutral as possible while talking with them, but a recent experience really shocked me. When the shooting was first reported, they all jumped on the idea it was staged. (I was even able to engage with them to a small degree, because I happen to feel it was staged as well, just for different reasons than them.)

Yesterday, they were discussing how assassination attempts have affected presidents' popularity, and I pointed out that past attempts never had so many people that are skeptical the attempt even took place, so this time might be unique.

I was shocked when they all came back saying "no, any conspiracy theorists have changed their mind. Everyone knows the attempt was real."

I was dumbfounded. These people are so concerned about how others perceive them, they are such hopeless followers, that to a man they all dropped their belief that this was a staged attempt. Every single one.

I bring this up because if they even get a hint that their view is not the mainstream, they will go into a meltdown. They need continuous validation from society. If you take that away even a little bit...if you marginalize them in any way...they will scurry like cockroaches trying to find a new narrative that will give them the esteem they need to keep going. But they can't bring themselves to side with Trump supporters. So where do they go to get the daily validation they need if the leftist narrative collapses?

I don't think it is power. It is something much, much deeper. The same kind of brainless following that caused them to buy the deep state narrative at all, is now threatening to leave them without a source of nourishment for their fragile egos. And they are terrified of that.

Monomial 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not the scare event. Not even close to scary enough. But shot heard round the world definitely fits.

And no possibility that they didn't know about the attempt. Even idiots in the crowd knew something was up.

Trump of all people knew of SS complicity in the JFK assassination. He had many, many other people (including military intelligence) watching out for him. So Trump knew in advance.

And a real bullet is too dangerous and unpredictable, even for a double. The only way that event was allowed to go forward on the 13th was because they already neutered it. The whole thing was staged to gather up the rest involved in the plot.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not presumptuous at all.

Trump has the best private and military security available, in addition to Secret Service. He is well protected by military intelligence. The idea they didn't see this, despite anything the SS did or could have done, is, quite frankly, preposterous.

I don't buy for a second this could have happened without Trump allowing it to happen. And they wouldn't have done such a dangerous thing with a real bullet. Not even with a double. Hence, the bullet must be fake.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0


Isn't that one of the line items on the RNC platform? At least for individuals.

No tax on tips/gifts, and minimal taxes on employees? Minimal taxes on employees likely means social security and possibly other kinds of fixed payroll taxes.

Think about it. Assume that's NOT what was meant. Let's say they try and keep income taxes on salaries. Then any employer with an ounce of intelligence is going to reduce your salary to the bare minimum, and pay you the rest as a tax free tip for a job well done.

So based on this RNC platform, I am pretty confident that income taxes are over. Which means say goodbye to the IRS in its current form. They may be planning on keeping some kind of tax on capital gains and corporate taxes though. That is very unclear.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh a photo.

Well now. That couldn't possibly faked.

I say no bullet because you don't allow live ammunition to be fired even if it was at Trump's double. Way too dangerous. When you put this much effort into an psyop, you don't take unnecessary risk.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recommend you work that confusion, listen to a bunch of different perspectives, and really consider the possibilities like a detective until you can accept a truth that is comfortable for you.

For me, I know there was no bullet, and Trump was never in any danger. What you saw was the Q operation in full movie mode.

What confuses me is how many people are so unwilling to even acknowledge that. Not just logically address the data points. We're all entitled to our own opinions after all. But genuinely...viscerally...emotionally hate me for believing it.

It's truly some Democrat level derangement syndrome.

Monomial 6 points ago +6 / -0

The thing that really bugs me are all the black pilled Republicans and Libertarians complaining about his support for Israel.

I get people don't like Trump's apparent support for Israel. I get that adding Vance to the mix makes things worse. But if they just had a little trust in Q, they'd know that Israel is being saved for last. We haven't even started the process yet...the storm is still brewing way out on the horizon...and they're worried about something which we've already been told is going to be the last thing exposed. After the storm is essentially over.

Who knows why both of them are strongly supporting Israel at this point. But I suspect there is a reason for it. A bigger question is why both of them are so pro vaccine, and why Vance actually wanted to fire all the nurses who wouldn't take the jab.

These are all very serious questions that are escalating now based on Trump's choice. So I don't believe the issue is that they can't touch Trump and so are going after Vance. I believe that without knowing the details of the Plan, it is impossible to understand why Trump made the choice that he did. I certainly don't understand it.

Because on paper, Vance is a huge question mark on every level, and one that would seem to gain him nothing. He just gave everyone who doubts him yet another reason to doubt him.

Monomial -1 points ago +1 / -2

Good. I agree. So that would imply that nobody actually shot at him. Which as preposterous as it seems, is what my gut tells me is the most likely scenario.

So that begs the question. What would be required to make a crowd THINK someone took a shot and killed a person in the audience?

It's not impossible. Difficult for sure. It would be a somewhat complicated psychological operation, and would involve a victim that appeared at a casual glance to be human. But not necessarily outside the realm of what is achievable with current technology.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct. So follow that logic more. This would imply a bullet was not actually shot. Which means that somehow, they made everyone believe someone in the crowd was killed. Could that be done?

Possibly. Certainly the fluids and brain tissue can be simulated. The Japanese have made great strides with animatronics. Even down to subtle jerks and chest movements to simulate breathing. Walking is about the only thing they can't really simulate very well. But if you surrounded the victim by agents who knew what was going on to make sure nobody tried to engage with the individual, it may have been possible to simulate a person and a death.

It would also require a doctor that was aware of the operation to take immediate action so that any Good Samaritans in the crowd didn't try to help after the shot. And, of course, the EMT's who eventually responded and took the body away.

Am I saying this is what did happen? No. I have no idea what did happen. I wasn't there. But I am pointing out there are reasonable hypothesis that need to be investigated before you assume that what you think you know is actually true.

We know this was a major event that is going to have significant repercussions going forward. There is no way this was an accident or random chance. It was definitely known by the white hats before hand, so it was engineered to fit the larger purpose.

As this movie goes on, there are going to be even more serious events than this. We know that at least we have a "scare event" coming. We have to be less emotional and more methodical and rational in our analysis. There are many, many angles that deserve consideration before deciding that any one theory is correct.

I never believe anything that is the mainstream hypothesis anymore.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody is saying you are making anything up. Only that people can be deceived and manipulated. We all have been for our entire lives.

The question is, could the whitehats be just as good at deception and psychological manipulation as the deep state?

Unless I had a very close relationship with the people involved, I would not even believe something that I saw with my own eyes at this point. Wait and see how this develops before jumping to conclusions.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because we all know Hollywood is incapable of faking a substance that looks like brain matter.

Nobody is saying it was anything, but to assume you know the truth because of something you saw or heard...well, that's dangerous today.

Wait and see how this develops before jumping to conclusions.

I remain skeptical that this isn't part of the Q script.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are assuming that they (the deep state/intelligence agencies) weren't actually complicit in it. I would tend to believe they DID actually think they were planning it. Only that a double agent was there to thwart the outcome. And if true, the investigation is going to point squarely back to them, and also serve as an excellent reference point to expose corruption and treason inside the US intelligence services.

This wouldn't be a left style FF. This would be knowing the playbook of the left, and manipulating it to our advantage.

It's not like the CIA didn't do exactly this with JFK and several other foreign leaders. And I am extremely skeptical of everything I see or hear these days. So yes, I think we need to consider all possibilities for this event.

I ignore any talk about the effect of this on the election. That is a legacy media distraction and nonsense talk by the left. This event has zero to do with an election. Trump is predestined to win. Whatever this was, it is bigger than that.

I do believe this is part of the Q plan to expose the deep state.

Monomial -2 points ago +7 / -9

Consider the following:

This is just one possibility and it is open to refinement as more information becomes available. But my current thinking goes like this:

They sneak a double agent into an intelligence agency like the CIA. They use information from this agent to track the movements of the shooter who is going to be activated. But they arrange to make sure the ammunition he will be using is not genuine. Or they arrange it so that the shooter who is activated by the CIA is also a plant. Remember, this would have been scripted long ago. The Q operation has been planned for a long time, and if true, this would be a significant event in the script justifying the planning and resources needed.

After that, yes. They script a shooting just like in a Hollywood movie. One person in the crowd, and of course Trump himself, or a stunt double impersonating Trump. People were jumping up and down to say Ashley Babbit may have been an actor. But this is impossible?

I don't claim to know the fine details of how they could pull this off. I also don't know the fine details of how the deep state pulled off 911. Only that I believe such an action to be a reasonable possibility by a motivated team of military intelligence operatives that should not be discounted out of hand simply due to an emotional bias.

Monomial 3 points ago +12 / -9

I've stated my reasons for why it could be a false flag, and the advantages that could be gained by using it to expose the corruption inside intelligence agencies. I think everyone would benefit by thinking logically and not acting emotionally. If you choose to consider that "retarted", well that says more about you than it does about me.

Monomial 5 points ago +15 / -10

I am not agreeing with the left about the reasons for it being staged, but I am saying the possibility it was a false flag should not be discounted. I can see a lot of reasons why something like this may be necessary to setup an investigation that could expose a lot of the corruption inside our intelligence agencies. Information that may never be released in any other context.

I think we may very well be looking at an instance of drop #461.

"What makes a movie good? Great actors."

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am one of those who believe it may have been a false flag. Not for the reasons the left think. Trump was never in danger of losing this election.

But it may be necessary to set up a larger subplot exposing the intelligence agencies, and delve into the history of the JFK assassination. Not saying this is true, but consider how much of the JFK assassination documents are still redacted. Maybe a way to get this all unsealed and exposed?

Just wait and see. Jumping to conclusions is dangerous.

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